Go to http://shopify.com/insidegaming to get a free 14-day trial. Nintendo is in the news once again as more employees have spoken out against the treatment they received working in QA at the Nintendo of America HQ in Washington state. Gender discrimination, assault, and harassment aren’t usually things you associate with the whimsical worlds and games Nintendo builds. Tune in to this week's roundup to get the rundown on what’s been going on at the house Mario built. In other news; There will be single-player DLC for GTA 6, The Xbox One sold really badly, Stadia is still not dead, and We could have had an open-world Iron Man game. This week's 5-Second Review isn’t too cool to reference being a kid in the 80s and the Coming Soon section will surprise you because Saints Row is out next week. Thanks for watching everyone and have a great weekend! 00:00 - Nintendo is having a major worker crisis 07:26 - There will be single-player DLC for GTA 6 08:34 - The Xbox One sold really badly 09:27 -​​Stadia is still not dead 10:25 - We could have had an open-world Iron Man game 11:18 - 5-Second Review 11:45 - Coming Soon Listen and subscribe to Ship Hits the Fan at https://bit.ly/shiphitsthefan Buy our shirt! https://is.gd/u3xCtA OR follow us on Twitter! https://twitter.com/briangaar https://twitter.com/DarthBurrit0 http://twitter.com/InsideGaming SOURCES [Kotaku] Nintendo of America sexual harassment and sexism complaints https://kotaku.com/nintendo-of-america-sexual-harassment-sexism-aerotek-1849414921 [Reddit] Awful Reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/k1it0l/vaporeon_is_the_best_pokemon_to_have_sex_with/ [Nintendo] Official Nintendo employee stats https://www.nintendo.co.jp/csr/en/esg_data/index.html?active-topics=topics02 [NLRB] Labor complaints against Nintendo contractor company https://www.nlrb.gov/search/all/aerotek?f%5B0%5D=case_type:C [EEOC] Aerotek to pay a huge fine for mistreatment of employees https://www.eeoc.gov/newsroom/aerotek-pay-3525-million-conciliate-eeoc-systemic-investigations [Axios] Original Nintendo NLRB complaint https://www.axios.com/2022/04/19/nintendo-nlrb-complaint [NLRB] Official NLRB case https://www.nlrb.gov/case/19-CA-294207 [IGN] IGN report on working conditions at Nintendo of America https://www.ign.com/articles/nintendo-america-contractors-full-time-complaints-report [Kotaku] Nintendo workers feel like second-class citizens https://kotaku.com/nintendo-america-switch-employee-treatment-unionize-nlr-1848828975 [Kotaku] Nintendo acknowledges workplace complaints internally https://kotaku.com/nintendo-splatoon-3-mario-strikers-working-conditions-u-1848918777 [GTA Forums] Tez2 shares some more inside GTA 6 knowledge https://gtaforums.com/topic/983967-gta-6-speculation-discussion-part-7-the-one-with-the-announcement/page/216/#comment-1071922757 [Gameluster] Xbox One sold less than half of what PS4 sold https://gameluster.com/court-documents-confirm-xbox-one-sold-less-than-half-ps4-numbers/ [9to5Google] New Stadia support on the way https://9to5google.com/2022/08/10/stadia-4-26-claim-all/ [Twitter] MinnMax interview tweet with ex-Avalanche lead https://twitter.com/MinnMaxShow/status/1559927528264966146?s=20&t=VtXCZuIxZ3h3VVYPxxKQzQ [YouTube] MinnMax interview with former Avalanche studios lead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX125dhxvy8&ab_channel=MinnMax [Twitter] Christofer Sundberg tweets about the next thing https://twitter.com/CHSundberg/status/1558125389729390594?s=20&t=w8EVAXgezH2EYlnaFNPnKg